This profile of the changes to the Republican Party highlight several people and issues: @marcorubio and the call for “common good capitalism”; @oren_cass and the need for industrial policy; @yhazony and the need for a coherent nation. 1/
Seib might also have highlighted the work of @amconmag on these various issues, as well as its ceaseless call for a more modest foreign policy. The wings of the party that have been ejected are libertarians and neo-con hawks, both of whom are clamoring to join the Democrats.
If you read this with enough of an historical lens, you would be forced to recognize that this increasingly “conservative” party is largely a reconstruction of the Democratic Party of the 1950s. It is nationalist, seeks to a working class market, and values tradition.
But - its future will rely on building a multi-ethnic, multi-racial working class party. To do this, it will need a political leader with enormous political skill and vision. It will necessarily have to be a post-Trump project.
To the last point: Joe Biden is probably the last gasp of this old Democratic Party. If he wins, it’s unlikely he will govern for the working class. His left, which favor the elite agenda, will dominate. The work on building this post-Trump conservatism will remain essential.
By an “elite agenda,” I mean - market globalization, open borders, more financialization of the economy, interventionist foreign policy “exporting” liberalism, and, of course, a woke agenda to shroud it all in the patina of egalitarianism.
Must acknowledge: Trump has been almost entirely ineffective on these fronts. But he identified the “market”; now what’s needed is a competent successor to actually govern effectively a multi-racial working class party. Otherwise - oligarchy, as far as the eye can see. /fin
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