PLEASE READ!!! @dimxra / sebastian is a pedophile groomer and manipulator and in this thread i'm gonna expose things he's done to me and numerous others
general tw for this thread because a lot of things are extremely triggering (s.h, suic*de) this thread is serious, not a sick joke or anything by the way. i wanted to write this because myself and other people affected by him don't want others exploited and manipulated.
so basically sebastian is an adult, he's done many of the things he did to adults to minors including me.
if you read the dms he sent me you can see how manipulative and toxic he is
these dms are messages sent to me from one of his other victims. a lot of you may know her but i’m not sharing her @ for safety reasons.
this may not be everything he has done but this is a huge portion. he has about 4/5 other victims that i know of and have talked to many of them. he's extremely manipulative and charming. he's also vengeful. i'm not sure what he'll do if he sees this but i know that he can't hurt
me anymore and that i needed to post this. thank you for reading this thread. it was hard to make but i have nothing to lose and we just want to make sure no one else gets groomed by him. please like/rt for visibility so others can see this, including his followers.
i will also try to make a carrd or something, so incase anything happens to my account, everything that he did will still be available to be seen by everyone. i'll attach it here.
and also sebastian is a sociopath who is incapable of feeling remorse and has confirmed this. please don't try to message him. just report/block and share. thank you.
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