The guy who told me to swallow his dick is going to stop pursuing writing as a career. 😏
It’s that lack of drive which’ll end any aspiring writer’s career. You can’t enter this field & expect money right away. I didn’t start making wages until November, so less than a year ago. Before that most of my work was for free, but I kept at it, & eventually doors opened.
My YT is a good ex of this. I make no money from it,& my views still arent great (though my engagement is excellent). Yet do I stop making content? No. I grind away, putting out multiple vids a week. Untold hours dedicated to it cuz I trust my ability & I know I’ll grow over time
Too many ppl expect instant gratification, but it requires hard work to succeed. So to my followers who want to create content, take it from me. Don’t give up because it gets difficult. Push through. Improve yourself. And if your content is good. You’ll *eventually* get noticed
But all that aside, im going to relish in the fact that the dude at the top of this thread is giving up on writing. Last year he wrote a hit piece about me that was so full of bad assumptions and blatant lies, that it’s no wonder he needs to quit. He’s a trash tier writer. ☕
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