I was so down bad for 2 months I deleted all social media, turned off notifications, and effectively abandoned my online presence completely. Life was not good bro, fr. I always know the reason why. Social media is like smoking cigarettes. Enough of it is gonna kill you.
It wasn’t the dad jokes cause that’s just lame. I felt like after watching all of these successful people do successful things I was not who I was supposed to be. I was behind all of my peers. That feeling sucks a lot. Like you know you have potential but you just can’t hit it.
So I decided to just axe the root of my problem and delete all my social media again. In a couple days I was way more relaxed and less tense. Felt like I could think for myself. Did more for myself. I started writing again, lost a bunch of weight, got a raise, and some more shit.
Point is, don’t let yourself become wrapped into this shit. Mental health is insanely important and almost corny how much it’s talked about now. But it’s a serious issue. This isn’t my first time leaving and coming back and most my friends can vouch for me. It’s a good thing.
So, are you really happy? Or is someone else’s happiness determining yours? That was my problem. Be yourself and don’t worry about the next person. We’re all people. Doesn’t matter how much money you have or how successful you are. You can be literally whatever you decide.
Rambling now but yeah, take some time for yourself. It’s great.
You can follow @Ter0me.
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