I will try to follow some advice related to being open about some economic facts.

I really want to share it with you all, so please read and share your comments and ideas with me đŸ§”

My most recent courses are getting harder and harder to get published because I always include new, unique & top-quality topics.

However, this is not getting profitable in the same proportion, due to the Udemy business model.

I have been teaching on Udemy for years and, every time I have to compete much more hard with every new course for the exact same revenue per student which on average did not increase in the last few years (around 10USD per student).

Even when I am very happy to reach so many students and developers around the world, I have this working feeling that this trend is not sustainable and I will have to end creating 70-hours courses for the exact same revenue per student and a regular similar net income.

Money is not all. I am happy to contribute to the world in this way and I can measure so many achievements and contributions to several of my students' lives and economies.

BUT this trend and this business model is just killing me and will "kill me" in the long run.

Maybe I am getting a little emotional right now, BUT I just wanted to share my thoughts and my frustration.

This is not intended as any marketing movement or similar. I just want to improve my business as we all do 😊

I am officially thinking about stop publishing my courses on Udemy, so probably this year I will publish my last ones there.

Of course, I am already working on a custom/proper platform to keep teaching to you all and I really hope to get even better and beyond for us all.

Once again, maybe this is a little emotional this time, but I am already working on one alternative for we all (details later), so things can get better and more sustainable in the long run, and eventually, I will stop slowly self-killing me.

Please, please, share your thoughts and comments. I am very open to all of them. We can figure it out and get it working fine again, together.

Thanks for reading. đŸ„°

PS: I was about tho discard all this thread, but I didn't (don't know why).

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