What is the plan if Biden wins and he nixes the public option like Obama did, he doesn’t do anything about the kids in cages, he lets JP Morgan lease space in post offices for postal banking, and he doesn’t do anything different than trump with covid except endorse scientists?
Biden was no ones first pick, he’s the lesser of two evils, we’re not supposed to criticize him or democrats now because the election is important, so what is the plan when he’s in office? Occupy Wall Street didn’t get Obama to do anything. Neither did BLM.
I have not seen anything on how to hold Biden accountable, just that we need to. We tried with Obama but the excuse was always to scapegoat republicans or moderate dems. If I’m going to vote for Biden, I need a plan to hold him accountable.
Otherwise kids are going to die in cages, people will continue to lose their healthcare because the ACA is a joke, and if we’re lucky we’ll get a vaccine that will have nothing to do with Biden.
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