it’s honestly wild how many students or academics of color I personally know of who were interested in education but deterred from studying it, sometimes by programs specifically meant to support those interested in becoming researchers.
a friend of mine once told me they were advised to say they’re an “early life stratification scholar” rather than, say, a sociologist of education.

& that’s a particularly absurd example, but I think it speaks to a larger problem of how ed gets delegitimized as a field of study.
but like, there’s really good reasons so many marginalized people are drawn to studying ed, and denigrating it as a field of study is harmful to those of them who wind up in the field anyway — and for those who were interested in ed but wind up in other fields, tbh.
(is this thread just a circuitous way of returning to my old hobby horse of hating how fellowships for grad students of color often exclude doctoral candidates in education because of rigid understandings of what counts as an academic discipline & academic research? oops, maybe!)
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