I can’t imagine getting super worked up to defend Zack Snyder.

Really, I can’t imagine ANY director I would get super worked up defending, unless like, I knew them as a person and they were framed for murder or something
I mean like yeah I love Kurosawa, but he doesn’t really need defending, and Pauline Kael and (lol) Armond White have pretty much already defended the directors who do
Parasocial relationships are WILD
“You just don’t understand DC” I literally had an episode of Batman Beyond written for me 😘
I didn’t know about the tragedy he’d been through. But unfortunately, tragedy does not preclude you from receiving criticism on your work. I was in my worst-reviewed movies shortly after my mom died when I was eight. Criticism happens.
People have criticized me for a long time. When it turns into harassment, that’s a problem, but if it’s just someone idly saying something about me on Twitter, well that’s not really my business. And if it gets around to me and it hurts my feelings, I can afford therapy.
Most famous people already have friends and can afford therapy. They need you to support their work, but they don’t need you to fight all their battles for them.
Didn’t know the stuff about his daughter, which obviously sucks, and explains the like years of hashtags I saw but never investigated
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