this is also what i am screaming re: people who think Wonder Woman -- raised on an island where no one dies, where magic AND science are beyond cutting-edge -- would grow into a boring, prudish, sword-wielding adult who doesn't know what, like, an elevator or a taco is.
Clark was raised in Kansas. Bruce was raised in basically New York. Every third word out of Wonder Woman's mouth should casually blow their fucking mind. "You grew up with WHAT? That's normal to you?"

but no. She's a secretary or Thor-with-boobs to most male writers.
I'm saying too much already, but it's not only the medical and travel technologies of the Amazons that should be bizarre and advanced and what-the-fuck-that's-rad.

It's also the SOCIAL technologies. How do they tell stories? How do they communicate? How do they organize a gov?
Every third thing out of Diana's mouth -- every "oh, it's nothing" casual childhood memory -- should make the reader and the League go "what the hell, rad!"

if you can't think of a billion stories re: what her childhood must've been like, do you wanna write hero comics?
we are literally wasting one of the most incredible engines for speculative worldbuilding in hero comics because generations of cis male writers -- Geoff Johns especially -- want to write stories where women are dumb and discover ice-cream for the first time.
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