kim jongdae as jongdae kim and their amazing similarities — a thread
they both love to fake rest their chin on their arm
both look good on suit and tie 😍
matching fit and cap???? here for it
🥺👉🏼👈🏼 they’re sending hearts to e/o, I guess??
the way they love nature 🥺🥺
can you feel the tension on here because I do
they really resemble each other omggggg 🥰🥰
another matchy thing spotted!! they’re wearing the same design, one is a shirt and the other is a jersey but I’ll take it
selfie angles!!!!!
matchy thing yet again !! transparent umbrellas 🥺 where do I find one
not a similarity but.. they say opposite attracts.. one is quirky, the other is not. 😌
they both love flowers 🥺🥺🥺
thinking of ü
look how dangerous they are together 🥵
backs’ tired from carrying the music industry
they’re just leaning but the range 💯
I don’t know if this is Kim Jongdae or Jongdae Kim but THE SERVE. 💯
they’re so cute when they get excited 🥺🥰
what’s with the neck pose 😌
when they shine so much that even them is blinded by it
nooooo don’t pout
the sun: shining
the sun: chen
the lippies
ending this thread with jongdae breathing again
and please continue streaming tipsy live 🤟🏼🤟🏼🤟🏼
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