I was in that artrovert grumpy stressed mood yesterday for a short time: LET ARTISTS DO ARTING, WORLD! I've been ready to burst lately and this morning, I was having a little breakdown.. Listen, I don't have time for EVERYTHING EVER! I can't please everyone without destroying
myself in the process because it's impossible and appeasing people can be such a pain.. At this point, I'm pretending things are fine for the most part with my relationship with my mom when it comes to how she sees things.. I haven't been so frustrated in so long, I have reached
a point where I start laughing and being amused by bad things going on and while writing this thread even.. Going to KI yesterday was almost therapy like even though I just wanted to chill the whole day: watch videos, make art, and post to FurAffinity, Furry Amino, and Artconomy!
Actually talking to humans which hasn't happened all that much this past week while there really helped! You can't expect anyone to be happy with doing this family outing every single time, I'm sorry but that's how it is! I didn't play RCT3 this morning because I woke up late,
was desperate to catch up on YouTube video, plugged in the laptop too late to play before going to KI again! I had no idea we'd go yesterday until 2 PM and even then, I thought I'd have time to use the laptop to post but no.. Don't get me wrong I had a good time but this swamping
has to stop and I'm finally doing something about it.. For months on and off, I've had less extreme swamping in most cases.. I ended up making tweets on Google Docs app starting like over a year ago I think just to have time to do what I want while still writing tweets in the car
It's been a vicious constant painful cycle: go places, watch hundreds of videos a week, post and do art, spend several hours a week on social media.. I can't even bring myself to just talk online more then after 6 PM on multiple Wednesdays, I really wanted to watch videos.. I'm
glad sorta that I have to address this now because if I didn't till 2 years down the road, you can imagine what would have come to be.. I legit considered yesterday and today drawing while in the car but I had plenty typing “work” to do.. Drawing in the car comes with challenges
btw, I know so very well.. I've been good but also not good and that is not good.. It is indeed partly my fault I'm swamped with how much content I decided to watch and for this particular situation decided to slack off a bit yesterday while doing the drawings I managed to finish
and picked my nails as gross as that sounds for like 30-50 minutes while visualizing something a while before I started drawing.. Because I will have free time here and there during physical school on Mondays and Thursdays, I will use that time to post some things and work on
some drawing(there's no way I'm trying to watch a video with volume on my iPad while in school XD) unless I can use it to work on assignments and build up time for later! This weekend has made me really want one of those Artroverts Unite shirts from @Rafiwashere and @KleeAngelie!
I may not be able to wear such to Digital Art and Design as we have uniforms(get mine tomorrow) and school t-shirts to wear(in the event the uniform is not worn for whatever reason) as per requirement but that's okay! I know: another long thread but I got a lot to say all the
time! Pretty perfect for several types of furry convention panels LOL! I'm gonna consider applying for a panel for an online Fur Reality should it happen in an online space I can spend 3 hours a day on without killing laptop battery and/or work on my iPad that Discord doesn't
work on anymore! Also would need a streaming platform of some kind I can use without annoying people or other problems that can be linked up! Also, if you want to join a online furcon that is SFW, will never involve Volcano Karens, is not derived from an existing con, and is
basically new: consider joining #QuarantineFunFurCon via Discord! I will find a time on the Sunday of whatever weekend the con ends up happening to host a panel edition of A Wolf’s Tails and also actually help watch over the con for a couple hours because ya know!
You can follow @Fireking492.
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