Please enjoy my rant—
The majority of media consumed has the narrative of “your family will always be there for you”. This is a very confusing concept for a child to navigate when their reality does not reflect this statement.
How does that make a child feel when they are told that this is kind of a universal truth in our culture and yet those they are supposed to depend on for various types of support (physical, emotional, mental) do not provide that?
It’s very confusing and a natural conclusion for those kids is to think, “well then that must mean something is wrong with me” They feel inadequate and like they are either broken, not good enough, not whatever enough to deserve basic human compassion.
These kids’ lives are often considered too uncomfortable or inappropriate for media to portray. This again reenforces the message to these individuals that they should continue to be pushed aside, and are undeserving of recognition.
I hope these stories will be able to be portrayed in media sincerely and these children and individuals will feel seen and less alone in the world. Your story deserves to be seen and shown as well. You deserve to be seen.
But for now, for anyone reading this that needs to hear it: Sometimes those who are “supposed” to love and care and nurture you, don’t. But that is not a reflection of your value as a person. You are good enough and one day you can find a place to belong.
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