My old annoying dating app interactions ✨ A THREAD ❣️

1. some years ago on the app i told a guy i was passionate about e*uc*at*ion. he was in business school and replied with "so you're not really into money i guess are you?"

i immediately unmatched
the layers to how stupid this comment was is

1. no one has to be "into having a high salary" people can do what they enjoy

2. the lowest starting salary for a 2019 teacher in to*nt* on*ar*io is like 44k on the pay grid to start and highest on grid can hit 100k with experience
3. you can be promoted to becoming a principal in on*ar*io which is like 120k on average without a masters. downside: the income in public sector is just highly taxed, but you do get a pension, heath care, job security which you don't always get in the private sector
you may end up making a higher salary in the private sector due to taxes to be fair to him but the trade off is often job security
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