Today will be my final day on Twitter for a little while so that I can focus on some work related things. I hope before my absence I can say a few things that are clear and important to me:
1) Democracy is only as strong as those who hold it to account. I’m old enough to remember a world in which we weren’t a frog in boiling water, accepting every insane lie with a shrug and a roll of the eyes. Do not let the abnormal become normal.
2) At a time in which we are all essentially stuck at home with nowhere to go, five minutes to register to vote is not only easier than its ever been, but basically inexcusable to not allot the time to do if you are remotely concerned about the state of this troubled nation.
3) Populism, Nationalism, & (let’s call it what it is), fascism have never led to any positive outcome for those who allowed it to fester unchecked. I was blessed enough to have two Grandparents who explained to me the life and death consequences of a nation blind to its effects.
4) 3 & a half years ago, there was no context for your choices. Now, it is abundantly clear. If you are supporting a man who also has a rabid following of white Supremacists, Neo-Nazis & racists, your choice is to align with hate. There are no more excuses. It is what it is.
5) To do nothing or choose a 3rd option in a Nation on the brink of no return, is in essence to feel privileged enough to allow the climate to crumble, kids to be locked in cages & health care to be ripped away from millions. Policy won’t matter if we don’t have a Democracy.
6) For once don’t have a short term memory America. 2016 showed us what the next few months will look like. Accusations that lead to nowhere, lies that are shiny objects & deceit to make a decent man & his family look indecent. It worked once & if we let it, will work again.
7) Numbers don’t lie. 175,000 Americans aren’t dead because they had to be. They’re dead because of inaction. Our Western allies all took reasonable measures to stop the spread. We fought about masks for 5 months. That’s not leadership. It’s ineptitude & political expediency.
8) Know a demagogue when you see one. A man who constantly has to scream about stoping ballots from being mailed, (while mailing in ballots himself), threatening to send law enforcement to the polls, & calling drop off boxes into question does not believe in fair elections.
9) Ask simple questions. How many people in an administration must be indicted with crimes before you are willing to open your eyes to the fact that this is the most corrupt administration in modern history?
10) Fight. Scream. Vote. Every day from now until Election Day will be breathlessly hard. Don’t get complacent. Don’t get despondent. Get active. Make calls. Write letters. Rise up. We are all living through history. Find your place in it.
History has its eyes on you. See you all soon. Be well.
You can follow @joshgad.
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