Day 137 of #longcovid - most of the day has been wiped out again due to extreme fatigue, drifted in and out of sleep all day. This is the 8th day of my relapse. I got a bit of energy early evening, used it to call a few friends I hadn't spoken to in a long time [thread] 1/n
Also used that spurt in energy this evening to watch the latest video from @JerzyBondov on recovery from #longcovid - What an amazing video, free of nonsense and full of practical tips and links to great resources 2/n
One of the techniques I learnt a while back was to "respond to the need in front of you", i.e. this #longcovid journey is unpredictable and often debilitating but it's just a case of living moment by moment, rather than complaining or stressing about what happens now or next 3/n
I'm hoping that at some point this week, my fatigue lifts and I stop feeling like a zombie every day. If you're reading this thread and not familiar with #longcovid and the many risks from #covid19, I urge you to do everything you can to avoid getting infected! /end
You can follow @ManeeshJuneja.
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