If you believe the government has benevolent goals you are part of the problem.
If you believe DC is divided you are part of the problem.
If you believe elections are real, you are part of the problem.
If you believe schools only exist to educate, you are part of the problem.
If you believe Hollywood’s main goal is entertainment, you are part of the problem.
If you spend no time doing independent research, you are part of the problem.
If you believe our Constitution is functioning, you are part of the problem.
If you believe our criminal justice system is fair an equitable, you are part of the problem.
If you don’t know that every U.S. assassination of the 1960s was committed by our government, you are part of the problem.
If you give any credibility at all to mainstream media, you are part of the problem.
If you don’t know we have a crisis actor industry in this country that stages events, you are part of the problem.
You can follow @helena_jennie.
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