Grievance likely won't be decided until after season. Til then, he will count $9M ($5M bonus proration & $4M grievance placeholder) against Cap, so they will actually save $6M for the time being (likely for all of 2020). 1/
2/ Once grievance is decided, Ravens will either get $4M back if successful or get hit with add'l $6M in 2021 (subject to offsets). It's also possible that Ravens and Thomas settle for some number in the middle.
3/ The $4M grievance placeholder is CBA mandated. Once a grievance is filed, 40% of the grievance amount immediately counts on Cap.
4/ Thomas' deal reportedly contains offsets, so the $10M grievance amount will ultimately be reduced by whatever Thomas makes in 2020 base salary from his new team. But, that won't be determined until fully earned at end of the season (so no immediate Cap implication).
5/ To be clear, the Ravens will see $6M in Cap savings on the 2020 Cap. Will be $10M initially, then reduced by $4M once grievance is filed. This will likely hold for entire season since grievance hearing won't likely happen til 2021.
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