I’ve spent the last four years wondering what my last few months at Northwest would be like. the last thing I would have expected is what we’re going through right now. the last 5 months I’ve wondered what we could do to be on campus as long as possible this fall 1/
to have a somewhat normal last few months, with football and game days. I barely even remember normal. I just remember the days I took for granted, ones I thought I had plenty of still ahead of me. but now I’m watching as we slowly see the spread in the first few days of classes.
I wonder how I could have done things differently. but realistically, there isn’t much. I, even along with my circle of friends, could do everything right and it still wouldn’t be enough. because it takes everyone to do their part if we truly have a chance.
but I know, in actuality, it will likely be maybe a few weeks before we’re back to the “2020 normal” of zooms and crying over online material at the kitchen table.
I don’t think this thread had much of a purpose other than to express that your decisions don’t just affect you, but all of Northwest and Maryville, and every town students will return to if we resume remote learning.
think about the small steps that can be made by you, your friends, your colleagues. it truly takes a village, and I’m asking you to be a part of it.
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