In the 1st chapter of Burn the Witch we have learnt about the names of the corps within Wing Bind

In this thread I will cover each of the corp, what we know about them and what we can assume their intentions are based on their names and what said name would mean/referred to.
These are each of the corp apart of Wing Bind in BtW

Magic Circle Corp: Inks
Incantation Corp: Anthems
Liturgy Corp: Sacreds
Minstrel Corp: Pipers
Tactical Corp: Sabres
Development Corp: Patchworks
Accounting Corp: Billionaires
Personal affairs divine punishment Corp: Gallows
Pipers: We know the most about the Pipers given our 2 leads are apart of the Pipers. They are lead by Tronbone Takkinen, the surname Takkinen appears to be Finnish in origin and Tronbone obviously refers to the brass instrument which you blow into. This is important
The purpose of the Pipers is to maintain and harvest from Dragons. Which from the One Shot we were shown is a vital part in the world of BtW as we were shown Noel and Niiha collecting grapes from a dragon.
Now, the name Minstrel Corp is referenced to the Minstrels which is a medieval entertainer often tied with Music. We see the leader of the corp having his namesake in an instrument that being a trombone and see Noel use a horn/pipe as a weapon.
The circular energy around the pipe is reminiscent of soundwaves and we see her mouth close in on the weapon. It's clear the pipers use horns as a weapon, this more than likely means that the weapon itself isn't designed to damage only stun a dragon as-
the purpose of the Pipers isn't to be an offesive corp, only one that maintains the dragons. They know spells due to their close proximity to dragons and in case one attacks or turns into a dark dragon it's best to have some form of self defense and the horn amplifies magic like-
a horn that you blow into making the noise way louder than it would have been if you had blew into it normally.

This is all I could find about the piper corp, if I missed anything please say!
Now. Onto the corp we know the second most about, the Sabres. They are lead by Sullivan Squire and are the tactical corp. We know that strength in adversity is what they admire as in the one shot Billy Banx had sent Noel and Ninny to stop the Dark Dragon which got him-
transferred to the Sabres but his lack of doing anything is what got him sent back to the Pipers. Which shows they admire action from people regardless of what that action is, the reason Billy was promoted initially is more than likely tied to him being the chief of Noel & Ninny
We also know they admire strength and power as Ninny wants to show her strength off ie fighting a dark dragon to get into Sabres. To my knowledge this is everything we know about the Sabres corp, that they are strong use that strength to handle threats such as Dark Dragons
One last note about the Sabres is that they are lead by Sullivan Squire. A Squire is the armour/shield bearer of a knight, this could imply that the Sabres bear the weaponry for another Corp which I would assume to be the Gallows. Also my guess at this groups weapon is a shield
The personal affairs divine punishment Corp: Gallows
Lead by Wolfgang Slashhaut. Wolfgang is a German/Austrian male name and Slashhaut is a fusion of the words Slash and Haut. Slash being obvious, the onomatopoeia of a sword cutting and Haut is more than likley rooted from the-
word Haute meaning higher or elevated. It's clear that Wolfgang is the leader of Wing Bind and thus Gallows is more than likely the highest ranking corp. Wolfgang himself is designed to be reminiscent of Yamamoto, Ywhach and Barrigan. Leaders/rulers of their respective faction
Now. Onto their purpose, I believe it is immensely clearer that Gallows is execution. It's outright stated by Wolfgang that his intention is to eliminate Balgo Parks for being a dragonclad. Gallows itself is a scaffold for executions by hangning. So what these guys do is fairly-
Obvious, although I want to look a bit deeper. The word Slash implies that this group or Wolfgang himself utilises swords as a weapon, we've already shown how the names of a leader relates to its corp with Trombone, the Trombone being an instrument you blow into and pipers-
weapons being a horn they blow into. So, I believe that the primary weapon of a Gallows is a bladed one.

From now on, almost everything I discuss about the corps is just stabs in the darks based on the names of the corps. Please don't take the rest as fact.
Now, onto the ones we know less about. Starting with the Magic Circle Corp: Inks lead by Bruno Bangnyfe. Starting with the leaders name and how I believe it relates to the corp, bang is an onomatopoeia of an explosion. This would more than likely relate to Brunos explosive or-
aggressive attitude however as the next few pages show Bruno being the one speaking in a loud tone shown by those more spiky text bubbles. The corp itself is definitely about magic circles, often used for ritulistic purposes. The themeing of wizards/witches I believe-
that the magic circle corp would be tackling familiars of summoning creatures or using these magic circles as defenses or seals for more dangerous dragons. This is ultimately just a stab at the dark though
Incantation Corp: Anthems, lead by Roy B. Dipper. This corp is more than likely handling the incantations of spells, my best guess is creating new ones or shortening the current ones for easier usage in the future.
Another theory is that the incantation corp is like the scientist of spells as incantations were known as magical formulas. Ultimately this is only a stab at the dark though
Liturgy Corp: Sacreds, lead by Cquntnire Milieve. Liturgy is a religious service based on a community. My best guess is it is related to the Soul King in some way, worshipping him. Ultimately this is only a stab at the dark though
Accounting Corps: Billionaires lead by Harry Shayk. This is one we have a decent idea on actually. We know that there is a currency and an achievement point system so the Billionaires more than likely manage this and how much people earn and how many achievement points they earn.
This is the evidence for currency and achievement points. However, this is the end of my thread. Thank you for reading!!! And I feel like the Patchworks are self explanatory enough to understand, them being the Squad 12 equivalent.
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