Remember how conservatives lost their shit about Michelle Obama’s Vegtable garden even though it was privately funded and there had been a WH veg garden for decades?

That’s what y’all sound like when you trash the WH Presevation Comittee’s attempt to save the dying Rose Garden.
The design was not Melania’s. The design was Bunny Mellon’s-the woman who designed the Kennedy Rose Garden.
The roses have been dying off. The crabapple trees, most which had been replanted several times since 1962, were not thriving.
The boxwood shrubs were susceptible to boxwood blight which attacked that specific type of boxwood. They needed a healthier variety.
The garden didn’t drain properly. The entire turf had to pulled up and reseated so it would drain.
All of this was done after an in-depth landscape report by the White House Preservation Comittee, the members are apolitical when it comes to the history of the WH. The research is mind-boggling in depth. They know every iteration of the gardens, every flower planted.
The tulips everyone was so upset about, will still be there. The fact that people looked at a spring picture next to a late summer picture and actually thought they were comparable in color is just stunning because this is very basic science.
You learn seasonal changes in pre-k.
All of this was planned well before the pandemic. The money to do this was not tax money and the people who researched and designed it were experts in their field. They went directly to Bunny Mellon’s archives.
The loudest complaint is about the trees- I read 1000x yesterday that “she cut down the cherry trees”-
They were not cherry trees. They were not cut down.
They were moved to the green house and they will be later transplanted to an area they will thrive.
The tree roots were growing into the flower beds, every time they planted annuals, the roots were disturbed. They were sodden bc of the drainage issue. The trees were shading the roses and were, themselves, shaded. It’s been in the plans since the Reagan’s to fix the issues.
All of this has been reported, published, available for you to read. You dgaf about the actual rose garden. If you did, you would promote conservation plans to save it and make it healthy. This isn’t actually about the Rose Garden.
You decided because it had the stink of the Trumps on it, it was bad. Period.
Some made horribly mysoginystic comments, anti-immigrant comments, mocked the ADA compliant walkway.
All of those were bad but the worst of them was easily how you trashed Jackie O without knowing it.
I saw so many comments about how the person who designed this garden, which you actually thought was Melania, was a terrible person with terrible tastes and how it looked cold and unamerican.
Except Melania didn’t design it.
She asked them to restore it to Jackie’s original garden.
They researched it and did with a few changes-notably the limestone to match Bunny’s use of limestone and moving the trees to save them and the roses.
You may think you were mocking Melania. You were not.
You can dislike everything about it. You can hate that it’s more accessible because you don’t like even sidewalks in gardens.
You can hate that they she chose pastel pinks over red roses.
You can hate that this was done during a pandemic. But let’s be honest.
Michelle’s veggie garden cost over $2 million dollars and was made during the height of the recession. There’s no way that garden produced $2 million dollars worth of vegetables in 8 years so let’s not pretend just because it was veg that it was financially sound.
It was still a good idea because it promoted gardening and healthy eating, even in a recession.

Saving The Rose Garden, even during a pandemic, was still a good idea. It needed conservation.

You need to separate the WH from the people who are temporarily living there.
I’ve been blocked, called names, told I’m a Trump supporting bot because I defend conservation of the Rose Garden.

All by Democrats who insist they’re pro-science and facts.
All I saw was hypocrisy.
You’ve turned into the people you loathe.

This is why people hate politics.
Here is the Landscape report. Feel free to google the names.
The tulips are still there:
Here are all the times the Katherine Crabapples have had to be replaced.
They had planned to keep the Crab apple trees in their design, but the WaPo article goes into why they had to be removed.
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