I'm just constantly amazed at the sense of entitlement these people have, to think that they can dictate an entire culture based on their personal resentments and neuroses. https://twitter.com/GrantTucker/status/1297581935875760128
Nothing we do, short of dissolving our entire country and national culture, will ever be enough.
There's an interesting if mildly controversial book to be written on how we went from a situation where the cultural mood was mostly set by grown-ups and well-adjusted people to one where personally unhappy & dysfunctional malcontents set a great deal of the pace.
The right has a real structural problem in terms of its ability to push back at the political level, namely that any given episode of progressives' anti-British campaigning appears relatively trivial & too minor to expend political energy on properly resisting.
But the cumulative effect is death by a thousand cuts, the eventual destruction of a culture & a nation. That's what the neoliberals & Tory "pragmatists" who throw up their hands like maiden aunts at culture war don't get.
Hope you enjoy your prissy focus on economic issues and technocracy in a totally dysfunctional country riven with community tensions & a permanent left-wing government!
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