the official thread about beards/contract bearding based off things I've learned from the recording studio I work at. thanks to the artists, my boss and their label reps. this is all based off things I've been told and things I've had to do regarding bearding songs for labels+
+the biggest thing I've learned is the beard can be dropped at any point even with contracts in place depsing on what they have done. the contracts really just set the expectations and rules on what has to be done, what they cant say , cant do ect but the label can drop+
+the beard at any given time and the contracts that hold a time term can still be terminated if the beard fucks up but the artists/actor that needs the beard isnt allowed to back out nor drop that beard nor say no to the forced situation as this is their media image and the +
+label is legally allowed to exploit it in any way they want. bearding in not spelled out in contracts but it is heavily implied and said their image/persona and media attention is in the labels control and the artists has no control over what the label puts out especially +
+ involving beards and what's being said about the artists in the media. depending on the contracts and agreements the beard has certain obligations to uphold as well. beards are sent photos,videos and stories to tell as well as the artists as well. not all public+
+relationships are beards but straight people have fake relationships too for different reasons like pr, storyline albums ect. artists do not get a say in who is their beard and what they have to do but they can make comprises with their label to avoid having to stunt at times+
+like the artists will do a pap walk today but be allowed to hid out with their family for a week or they will add stunt lyrics to songs to be able to release their albums ect. it's kinda complicated and differs depending on the artists and their obligations. family's also stunt+
+for the artists so they dont have to . like they will talk about the beard ,post about the beard, be seen with the beard ect. that way the artists wont have to and will get a break from the spotlight and sometimes family talking about a beard is a requirement +
+because it makes it look more real to have the family involved. the family does get paid so they do obligate to it. so seeing a beard with family is normal and used as a ploy to push the fake narrative. like I said beards can be dropped at any point but it does depend+
+on what the beard has done to be drop so maybe they did something wrong in public,posted something wrong ,aren't doing enough ect. it really depends on what the label sees and how they want to go about things. have multiple beards or having a long term beard is the best+
+way to hide a LGBTQ+ artists because it seems believe. most of the time LGBTQ+ artists also beard for each other as well like a gay man and a lesbian woman would be in a fake relationship and it kIlls two birds with one stone that way. but not all beards are also LGBTQ+ either +
+bearding songs and albums are normal and used to cover up the real meaning of an album that's why most artists have a relationship right before an album drops so everyone assumes it's about that person rather then digging deeper and thinking about who it's for. they use stunt+
+songs as singles too because it sells well because people love hearing heartbreak and sadness rather than the good and happiness. dirty laundry sells to the media and the public better because people love to hear about bad things if that makes sense. anyways back to other thing+
+ bearding usually starts with the beard or artists following the other on social media and then interacting with each other on SM maybe liking a pic or retweeting a tweet ect. then the interviewer drop questions about the beard in interviews and slowly bring up the beard+
+to make it known to the fans and the public of this fake realtionship and then the articles with "inside sources" come out (the pr team writes them) and then the first sighting of the fake couple in a commonly known pap area drops and more articles appear about them+
+this is the commonly the best way to start a fake relationship and keep it going in the media because it seems "natural " and not forced even though it is. beards can last a few weeks to an unlimited amount of years if that is the "best" route the label takes.+
+and first the last time closeting isnt necessarily illegal when it isnt spelled out in the contract and illegal contracts do exist. bearding used to be used to protect a LGBTQ artists but now it's used to keep the money coming since homophobia is still very strong+
+bearding can also be used as punish to the artists for not doing as they are told so the label forces them into a bearding relationship until the artists complies with their needs. this usually include their image being tarnished as well until the artists does as they are told+
+all articles about fake relationships are controlled by the labels pr team and no inside media sources are real. labels also use family to stir up fake drama withing the fake relationships for either media attention or to aid in a break up. anytime a family member +
+comments on a public realtionship it is fabricated for a reason and the label is controlling it. family and close friends sign ndas or they cut the artists off of the family until the family signs them so the family can comment on things like this unless asked to do so.+
+also some artists have been forced to legally marry their beard (elton john as an example) so yes that is possible. artists also will get tattoos "related" to their beard so they dont have to propose to them and that is a compromise between label and artists. I've personally+
+met artists will tattoos related to fake relationships that they have talked about . also told to talk about the tattoos in a song by their label. at the studio I am given a list of things needed to be included in some songs to push the desired image provided by the label+
+and the songs will be tossed if they dont include what is needed by the label. all labels go through each song including lyrics and instrumental to make sure it is perfect to their desires but of course comprmies can be made depending on what the artists and labels want+
+a label rep will sometimes come in with the artists to make sure things are added into the songs and make sure the artists doesnt try and work around it because it costs them money to have to redo songs. I do get told certain words to add to songs to fit narratives +
+once again I work at a recording studio with contracts to sony and their parented labels and others not owed by sony .I've met Simon in person mutiple times so I am fully prepared to argue with anyone.🤷🏼‍♀️
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