why&how syco is still sabotaging L and his career ~ a sadly necessary thread
(disclaimer: this is just based on some tweets i‘ve seen, but i think it‘s important so that‘s why i‘m making this)
•first of all: why would they do that? well maybe cause L left and they‘re going bankrupt? think about that.
•as of right now, L only has about 5 mil monthly listeners on Spotify; that‘s partly because of the lack in promotion on the album when it was first released, also due to syco of course
•still, how can it be that low when he has a huge fan base and there have constantly been streaming partys, twitter trends etc. (i know that streaming≠monthly listeners, but it still influences that number)
•i saw this in a tweet of @_FALLINGWALLS, she took two screenshots today, two hours apart, while everybody was streaming walls, it went down 12k, that‘s just not possible
•(according to a tweet of @lightsupforotb) L had more than 17 mil monthly listeners when he only had 2 singles out, so how come he only has 5 mil with his debut album?
•also don’t forget he‘s selling out arenas in minutes, and a person who has such a big fanbase that makes sth like that happen doesn‘t have ONLY 5 MIL MONTHLY LISTENERS
•L is not part of the top 500 artist worldwide, also a result of no promotion for his album
•apparently (saw this in a tweet of @heyangelsxx) L doesn‘t have an official ‘this is...‘ playlist on Spotify because the label has to approve that playlist and syco won‘t do that
•so to sum it up, syco somehow manages to mess with L‘s monthly listener number on Spotify, did not promote the album in the first place and they won‘t approve a playlist on Spotify that would make him gain more listeners, and all of that after he has left them
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