Telling someone with toxic parents or family, “but they’re still your family” is another form of abuse.

Not everyone has healthy relationships with family members. We don’t want to talk about familial estrangement- but it exists.
We should be especially careful replying to vulnerable people in difficult situations on this website. And this includes our youth.

Sometimes a well placed 💜 or “I’m sorry things are so hard right now” are enough.

These days are hard enough to navigate.

Be well, friends.
Final thought:

In most family systems, the person with the LEAST amount of power is?

The child.

Anytime we put the burden of change on the person in the family system with the LEAST amount of power- we’re doing it wrong.
I have seen God do miracles in healing and restoration. I also know what it’s like to .... wait.

Both experiences are valid. And if either of this is you right now, I see you.
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