if you asked the avengers to watch your baby: a thread
steve: “oh uh.. yeah sure! hey little guy! oh- shh stop crying, why are u crying??” *awkwardly bounces baby*
natasha: “awh of course! *smiles and picks baby up* hii, i’m nat 🥺” *plays peekaboo, makes the baby laugh, pouts when she has to give the baby back to the parent*
bruce: “uh i don’t- i don’t know- you know what? sure! heyy there little guy! how are you today? *no response* that’s great, i’m doing good myself”
tony: “yeah, no thanks. babies aren’t really my thing. *sees baby in stroller, gets soft* okay fine, i’ll watch your baby. only this once though. it’s little eyes are giving me the heebie jeebies.” *continues to visit and buy loads of toys for the baby every week*
thor: “AWHH BABY!! yes, i shall protect this tiny specimen with my life. nothing will harm this child on my watch. nothing.” *tickles the baby, makes weird faces, challenges himself to make the baby laugh as much as possible*
clint: “sure. *smiles and sits beside the baby. there are no words until parent comes back* ‘course.”
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