2020 is the year remote work explodes

A few predictions based on conversations I’ve had with 500+ companies

[ a thread ] 💻 🏠 🌍
🚨 Prisoners Dilema: Not going remote is a classic prisoner dilema.

Nobody goes remote = ok
Everybody goes remote = ok

You go remote and your competitors don’t = massive competitive advantage. Not going remote will lead to companies not being economically viable
🏢 Death of Real-estate: Every company will use this as an opportunity to cut real estate by 40-70%

This will save them $20-50m per 1,000 workers who transition to remote every year
🎨 Diversity Explosion: Offices are great for certain genders, ages, etc. and terrible of others

Remote will lead to the most diverse teams in history rapidly
🏢 Decetralized Hiring: A physical location means you can hire the best person in a 30-mile radius

Remote-first companies will hire the most talented personally globally for every single role
🤝 Retain Talent: 99% of workers never want to go back to an office full-time

Companies who demand a return will lose a large number of workers rapidly
📉 Hybrid Misery: Companies push into this but it ends up being the worst of both worlds

Hybrid dilutes the benefits of both modes — especially remote
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