the media is trying to cover what israel has been doing to gaza for the past 12 days so here’s a thread telling you exactly what’s been happening
tw // bombing, death, rape, breathing problems, arresting, food, war and other things that i might mention
israel has been bombing gaza for the past 12 days continuously, people would peacefully be in their homes when the roof would fall down on them all of a second, children are being killed for no reason, elderly people attacked for trying to defend their human rights and the world
is yet still silent about this, family houses invaded whether during daytime or in the middle of the night, a few days ago they invaded a house and sprayed pepper in a room closed all the windows and removed all fans and forced the said family to sit in it for an amount of time.
not allowing them to get out, they forced an ill grandma to sit with them and she couldn’t breathe after they finally allowed them out and had to use an inhaler for a while, they arrested their teenager child after he’s been arrested for 3 whole years and injured in prison for
absolutely no reason, arrested him again just “because they can”, they only allow 4 hours of electricity on gaza a day and sometimes the power wouldn’t come back for a day or two, they’ve banned imports to gaza and held all of it hostage, barely giving them food throughout the
day and basic medical necessities, they’re not even wearing masks when doing all this when a whole pandemic is going on, throwing grenades at citizens in other cities in palestine because they are protesting for gaza
a 70 year old man lost his consciousness because of the bomb and israelis didn’t even even bat an eyelash and dragged him away on the floor as if they’re throwing the trash out, women are being r*ped daily whether in front of their family or in the middle of nowhere, they brought
a whole army to the shore just so palestinians wouldn’t get more food by fishing, this is on a whole other level of humiliation
this is during the pepper spray incident, the women’s voice is the mother of the guy she’s filming which is the one being arresting, you can see he’s pretty young
she’s saying: “go wear your shoes dear, don’t be scared, stay strong don’t be scared” then the soldiers start shouting where is he so she tells them to please give him a moment he’s just gonna wear his shoes and the israeli replies with a “one minute” while literally standing
besides him, the mom is just breaking down at this point asking them “why do you want him he’s doing nothing he’s only going to his job works all day and comes back what do you want from him”
this is the other half of the incident which has to do with the pepper sprays written by one of the witnesses, you can check the video on instagram they took
israeli occupations warplanes carried out at dawn striking several bombs across gaza, the child is saying “mom i’m scared please hide me” then saying the shahada after
they’ve been carrying out heartless attacks, killing people and children left and right and denying them from the basic human rights, they even refuse to give u back the bodies of your loved ones after they got killed so you only have the memory of them, humiliation like no other
israel has never been the victim and will never be, we will get our lands and rights back one way or another

#FreePalestine #GazaUnderAttack
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