so I recently went out with this guy who’s a total SIMP LIKE THE REAL DEFINITION OF IT, he just acts like he cares about women’s rights and how women should be treated but in reality he just uses his words to manipulate and make people let their guard down
And then proceeds to fucking sexually harass, invade personal boundaries, guilt trip and victimised himself to no end anddd have the audacity, the absolute AUDACITY TO FUCKING TURN IT AROUND ON EVERYONE HE’S BEEN INAPPROPRIATE WITH.
Rajwa, you motherfucking shithead I hope you never EVER get the chance to mistreat a girl or a guy or any human being again I hope everyone you ask out or try to touch or harass gets the vibe a mileeee away and stays the fuck away from you because you’re a fucking creep.
I wish I didn’t listen to anyone else. I wish listened to my gut and I didn’t go on that date with you because I knew you reminded me exactly of Riqi. BOTH of y’all just fucking simps that enjoy molesting girls like me and using shitty facades to victimise yourselves.
You had the gall to fucking keep touching me and invading my personal space even when I kept reiterating I wasn’t really comfortable. You ignored everything I said and told me I was just nervous.
I’m not even gonna try to be gentle and nice like I always do because you’re downright disgusting - and I, along with a lot of others who’ve known you from gigs know what you’ve done to so many others. Don’t fucking try to cover your ass.
You repulse me. You really faked being drunk just so you could back me up into the fucking wall. At my school. You even asked me if that phone call was really my brother or just an excuse to leave.
Yeah, it was an excuse to leave, because you didn’t get the fucking hint that you were harassing me even though I literally told you I wasn’t into this and this was just a friendly hang, and I even went as far as to tell you that I only really needed my friends and no one else.
to hear that you’ve done shit to other friends and even YOUR OWN ONLY FRIENDS, you really gotta check yourself. Try that shit in Scotland I fucking dare you. Fuck outta here and don’t touch me or any of my friends again you vile incel.
Fuck your bitch ass i hope you never get to lay your filthy ass hands on anyone again.
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