Okay, let’s talk about Bruce’s brutality: To me, it is the point of the teaser. I interpreted it as #Batman using that one guy who stepped up to fight him as an example. Strike fear, but with his actual combat prowess (and not a Bat-brand to the chest). #TheBatman https://twitter.com/4eyedraven/status/1297564465525735432
I ultimately am okay with it for *the character.* Is it excessive? Yes, but this is a #Batman trying to figure out how his “criminological experiment” (as Reeves described it) can actually work. Perhaps he isn’t “ninja level, hanging off of gargoyles and using shadows” guy yet.
And that’s okay. It is far more excusable for this Bruce to be brutal to try & strike fear in the rest of the gang than it is for the Bruce of *20 years* (Affleck) to be branding people.

As long as this Bruce *doesn’t kill people,* then I’m down to see this journey. #TheBatman
I think #RobertPattinson’s Bruce is going to be figuring out if he can even handle what he’s trying to be. #TheBatman
The Dark Knight touched on this with Joker pushing #Batman & trying to get him to break his no killing rule. He said they complete each other. But we never saw Bruce really believe that HE might BE that. That HE might be the same as his rogues. I think this is going to go there.
The Nolan movies were all about #Batman evolving into a legend & a symbol that anyone could use. He could be “incorruptible.” Setting it up so he wouldn’t be needed one day, but I think this version is going to go deeper into why it’s *Bruce specifically.* #TheBatman
Bruce, a man who CAN’T stop, which is what I like a lot. Who IS corruptible & possibly already corrupted. The Nolan trilogy for me is 2/3rds brilliance, 1/3 okay. And the 1/3 that’s *okay* for me largely comes down to me not thinking Bruce would ever quit. Even Bale’s version.
I don’t think they sold the 8 years of retirement well, and I don’t think they sold the “happy ending” well enough.

And this Pattinson version to me feels like it’s making that other case. I think this could be our most obsessed Bruce yet. #TheBatman
Hence why, to tie back to the beginning of this thread, he’d be tapping into that dark side so early in his career. And I think Paul Dano’s #Riddler will call a lot of that out. Call out his brand of justice and force him to reconcile with himself.
Not in the name of chaos, like Joker, or revolution, like Bane. But in the name *of justice.* Huge emphasis on hypocrisy. Hence the “lies” stuff. And the #Riddler lines we hear:

"If you are justice, please do not lie. What is the price for your blind eye?"
That’s a call on #Batman saying “I’m vengeance.” This Bruce, who’s descending into his own darkness as much as Gotham’s, needs to determine the difference between vengeance and justice.
Thing is, I think the Riddler spin will be Nashton/Nygma seeing Batman mixing up those concepts and trying to make a lesson out of it. A teachable moment, but through his warped lens. He makes it his great game because he thinks his correct read just elevates him. #TheBatman
He’s not actually caring about society. If people have to die so this Batman can learn, then so be it. Lessons and knowledge over everything else.
And ultimately, that’s the battle here. And I think there’s already SO MUCH meat on the bone here for @mattreevesLA’s interpretation of this mythology. And really that’s what it is. Every filmmaker will get to present their read on this.
And I like that this is sorta an inverse to what we saw in the previous solo films. #Batman #TheBatman
Also, how timely that we have this “justice” vs. “vengeance” thing right now at this moment in our society. In American society. Especially with the GCPD show in development, which will hopefully take these issues head on.
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