Everytime I see the UK women in games come up im reminded how terribly corrupt the very white male director of the PRIVATE company (& BAME?) seems, how he undermines the whole purpose of the mission, & how from here it looks like a man making profit from under represented groups.
I mean, he's not that subtle about it, he swoops in and makes whatever choices he wants like that time he gave a women in games streamers award do a fucking man, or increased an event ticket price by like 300%.
Idk, I just won't ever be able to take that company seriously until he's no longer at the helm as director, board or no board.
I could go on with examples btw, like how before you couldn't become a rep unless you flew to London and attended one of their pricy full day events... although I think they've changed that? Anyways this company tells on itself all the time.
There HAS to be a better way.
Anyways, I dont judge people who dont know, like this is kinda shady shit. However as far as i see it, if you ARE aware of the conflicts with WIGJ and you still support them, then you're part of the problem.
I dont care if its 'the best we've got rn', how can we expect to be treated like equals if we're literally being 'championed' by an org were we let a cid white man treat us otherwise and just pretend its ok? Is this not simple shit am I missing something?
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