to expand on this, we grow enough crops, have enough land and water to supply the current population PLUS an EXTRA 4 BILLION people.

capitalism & animal agriculture are a part of the two reasons why this will never happen. a thread:

(without poverty porn)
currently we have 925 million people, mostly residing in certain parts of Africa and Asia, that are suffering from hunger.

out of the 925m, 870m of those innocent people are also malnourished.
to put that into perspective, 925 million people (the current population of hungry people on Earth) outnumber the current populations of all of the European Union, all of the U.S. and all of Canada COMBINED.

more than 2.5m kids (5 & under) lose their lives due to starvation.
so if we have enough food, water & land to nourish every single person on the planet + an extra 4 BILLION, why do we still have such a huge population of hungry people on earth?

the short answer: capitalism, greed & animal agriculture.
the long answer is, most of our crops, water & land goes towards “livestock” feed so first world nations can have unlimited animal products. that’s why ya’ll never have to worry about not being able to find chicken, beef or pork on store shelves or in drive-thrus.
if we used the crops, water & land it took to supply a cow with 12-24 mos of life (yes the cows you eat are babies about a year old) & instead turned those crops into food for humans, you would yield more calories, protein, vitamins, minerals, etc. than cow flesh would provide.
we give approximately:
- 40-50% of our corn
- 80% of our soybeans
- 1/3 of the planet's arable land
- & 60% of our agricultural land JUST FOR BEEF (which only accounts for 2% of calories consumed worldwide)

to raise livestock just for them to not provide majority of calories.
scientists out of the university of Minnesota’s environmental institution found these conclusions regarding world hunger & first world nation’s current demand for unlimited animal products:
let’s also not forget that cows are grazing animals. they were never meant to consume this much grain. they eat grass. which is why it takes almost 20lbs of grain to increase a cows muscle mass by just 1b.

13-20x more people could be nourished from those grains instead.
around 91% of amazon destruction is due to livestock production. this land, home to many indigenous tribes & other natives, has been completely altered and destroyed just so first world nations can have unlimited animal flesh.
even if we could ween off first world citizens off of their daily supply & overconsumption of animal products that are causing more GHGE than all of transportation combined, we will still need to dismantle the system that upholds greed & exploitation which is capitalism.
even if we had the water, land & crops available to help end food insecurity, monetizing basic necessities such as food & water will not work. we punish people for not having adequate funds to nourish their families. this is wrong and directly a consequence of capitalism.
according to several environmental studies, people who are *able to* cut their animal product consumption MUST do so in order to fight climate change. our planet can 100% sustain billions of more people but it can not withstand capitalism & our current demand for animal products.
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