Worldwide mobile data pricing:

Avg cost of 1GB of data
India (#1): $0.09
US (#188): $8.00

🇮🇳: remarkable success story in mobile data- data so cheap that mobile use is prolific... ppl communicate via whatsapp & watch/share videos all day long
My 80+ year old grandparents in India are more "Phone-smart" than my parents in Pittsburgh. It is so nuts to me. For context, my grandmother doesn't even speak english and my mom studied computer science.
Jio has recently been behind this, Airtel is the OG in the space. I actually wrote a business school case on how Airtel won in India (in '09). It was awesome - I went to India with my mentor CK Prahalad and we had access to the management team at Airtel.
At the time, Airtel was one of the most profitable mobile carriers in the world despite having the lowest ARPU. They focused on being profitable on a per-minute basis, and outsourced their infrastructure to other providers.
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