#FilmBiz Summer 2020 "Reasons To Be Cheerful" #23:
The needs of movie marketing have changed significantly and very few understand how to execute successfully in the new age. Experiments must be made. Risks taken. Leaders will rise.1/5
In the physical distribution & social exhibition era (i.e. pre-March 2020), movie marketing was about how to keep a title top of mind until the consumer could modify their behavior and stomach the inconvenience of getting off their couch and into a movie theater.
Getting audiences to go see your title used to mean they had to cough up the cash for gas, parking, dinner, and babysitter that often came with such a choice. This often took as long as six weeks and was not cheap to do.
Movie marketing in the digital home viewing era is about cutting through the abundance and making a cultural moment. How do you get many people all over the globe to decide to decide to do the same thing within a short period time? No one knows!
The lack of proven plans to make diverse films land means that experiments -- lots of them -- have to be made and revised over and over. Who has that number of ideas?
Now is the time to build your own plan for your own film and pitch it.
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