"Cis is a slur" is a rhetorical trick, a performance meant to give the impression that trans people are just as vulgar and hostile as those who hate us who regularly use dehumanising and abusive terms for us. You can't reason a transphobic person out of useful propaganda.
Every single time I've ever tried to have a discussion with someone who makes the absurd claim that cisgender is somehow derogatory or a "slur" instead of simply meaning non-transgender, it's been like talking to a brick wall. It doesn't come from a place of misunderstanding.
For a lot of people who are transphobic, "cis is a slur" has become a kind of ad-hoc justification for their transphobia. In essence, it's what they need to be true in order to give grounds for their hostility and antagonism, and they'll never concede that.
They are also ideologically opposed to any term that does not center non-transgender people as normative and transgender people as aberrant or disordered. If cis was a slur, and cis people could only be considered normal, then trans people are abnormal.
If you read between the lines, the real framework they're using is that nobody is actually trans, trans people are merely confused or disturbed "normal" people. So language that places transgender and cisgender as equally valid ways of being? That's abhorrent to a transphobe.
In the end, as much as normal can actually be a thing, both cisgender and transgender people are normal.
This thread is really exploding, so I'm going to take a moment to plug SquidPunk's charity stream in aid of Trans Lifeline. Please give them all the support you can, signal boost the heck out of it! https://twitter.com/Punkthulhu/status/1297549477994274825?s=19
You can follow @CaseyExplosion.
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