I'm grieved when men are held to extrabiblical standards with a tight fist, but women are skipped over as if we're all innocent little does prancing through flower fields.
If I am acting like anything other than what the Bible says a woman is and should be, in whatever sphere you regularly see me in, call me out.
Women are not sinless, we often rebel against God in different, more subtle ways than men—to ourselves and amongst each other. We need to be held to a more rigorous standard than we are by most of the church today.
Men should not be expected to be the scapegoat for women's sins.

Treat both sexes with Biblical definitions. Hold each to Biblical standards and nothing else.
People that have healthily challenged me in what a Biblical woman looks like:
@SummrWrites & @JoyTemby
@Brian_Sauve & @Lexy_Sauve
And @CalebMPowers in his amazing example of what a Biblical man is that I get to see unfold and sharpen every day.
You can follow @carly_pinch.
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