Remember: Mueller's office charged three Russian entities and 13 Russian nationals with "violating US criminal laws in order to *interfere with US elections and political processes*
“To conceal the fact that they were based in Russia [the IRA and 13 RF nationals] promoted rallies while pretending to be U.S. grassroots activists who were located in the United States but unable to meet or participate in person”
RF Voter suppression Op:

During the “latter half of 2016” the IRA began a voter suppression campaign aimed at “minority voters—specifically, black voters—“discouraging minority voters from casting ballots in the upcoming election.”
Trump brags about this every chance he gets. He clearly knows he benefited from this and now there’s audio to confirm this.

This makes the USPS scandal exponentially worse.
Eg, “Woke Blacks” Instagram account messages:

“[A] particular hype and hatred for Trump is misleading the people and forcing Blacks to vote Killary”

“We cannot resort to the lesser of two devils. Then we'd surely be better off without voting AT ALL."
Eg, Irina Kaverzina—charged with aiding the IRA—re FB

“We had a slight crisis here at work: the FBI busted our activity (not a joke)”

“I got preoccupied with covering tracks together with the colleagues."
She continues:

“I created all these pictures and posts [on Facebook] and the Americans believed that it was written by their people."
August 2016:

“Florida for Trump’ an “authentic Facebook group associated with the Trump campaign in Florida told—a fake Russian account—to contact [Campaign Official 1] and offered to help organize rallies in the state.”
Keep this is mind: The Kremlin will do anything necessary to help Trump.

In 2016, the defendants Mueller charged used “fraudulent identities to communicate with unwitting members, volunteers, and supporters of the Trump Campaign.”
RF on Twitter:

Twitter estimated there were (at least) 36,746 Russia-linked accounts on its platform, generating approx” 1.4 million automated, election-related tweets, which collectively received approximately 288 million impressions"
“Max” from the IRA re Kremlin orders:

“Our task was to set Americans against their own government: to provoke unrest and discontent, and to lower Obama's support ratings."

One section (RF desk) is primarily made up of *bots and trolls*

“And used fake social-media accounts to flood the internet with pro-Trump agitprop and made-up news throughout the US presidential campaign”

Especially in the days leading up to the November election
Foreign desk: in charge of spreading pro-RF propaganda

It’s mainly “geared toward understanding the "nuances" of American politics to "rock the boat" on divisive issues like gun control; LGBT rights and BLM.
All of this is to say: the Kremlin is set up and ready to carry out these Active Measures Campaigns.

I mean, they have entire departments dedicated to this ffs and yes, they’re at it, again.

Remember: Kremlins primary objective is to disseminate “fake news” and sow division.
PS: all of the above than can be true and BLM and anti-fascist protests are very real.

But also understand that White Nationalists instigated riots under the BLM banner and the Kremlin and Trump both support the PBs WNs and Qanon.
PS These militant white supremacists are training for this, some, for years.

It’s engineered—Active Measures campaigns—this time, white nationalists are praying on unsuspecting, vulnerable, people.

Proud Boys boogs groups etc, with the same goals, are Infiltrating BLM groups.
PSS. Fact many are associated with the military is no coincidence.

The United States military has a white supremacist problem.
Ok one more:
This thread is meant to provide intel, people need the necessary intel and info to win this conflict; arm yourselves with the truth.

Do not obey in advance. Do not fall prey to domestic or foreign actors’ influence.

Question everything, fight their reflexive control tactics.
You can follow @marswalker3000.
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