Helicopters on expansion are so broken, it’s such a shame that mod failed.

I’ve had 3 helis in the last day and you can’t even leave them in your base without them bouncing off the roof and explodes into the floor... What a joke...
I don’t really give a shit about 90% of the features in expansion. Let’s be honest all people really wanted with that mod was vehicles like boats and helicopters. We didn’t need anything else. But now they’ve given themselves too much to do and they can’t keep up with updates...
To say it’s a failed mod is unfair, I take that back. But it’s just annoying to see all these features that they’re fixing that we already had in other mods? Party mod, map, markers, base building, guns... all in other mods. We just want vehicles and helicopters! 💃🕺🌊🏄‍♂️🔥
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