Ok. Here's a thread that's going to make you really mad. Melania is the mallard duck decoy of Trump politics. I'm watching people getting more upset about these flowers than about Trump attacking the vote by slowing the mail. Here again we have the problem that white people...
know it's going to be easy to vote no matter what. I'm sending in a mail in vote only out of solidarity. I know I could walk to my polling site, stroll in and vote without waiting and be out in 5 minutes if I move slow. Because it's going to be this easy for us only some us...
seem able to really really care about the post office. People in Black neighborhoods will be standing in lines for hours, and they'll have to drive or take buses to their polling sites. But how many of you got out of your houses to fight that yesterday? How many made it your...
real focus to defend the post office this week? But the flowers! OMG boo hoo the flowers. And when you call people on it they scream "But Jackie Kennedy." Well, fuck the Kennedys. John Kennedy started the Vietnam war.
Face it people, there are two major categories of white people: The majority who will vote for Trump, and the smaller number who will fight to save this republic from him, if there's nothing good on TV. A third category is wiling to do the work, but it's small.
All the people responding that they'd have voted for Barack Obama a third time if they could have are at least good for a chuckle.
Yes, I get that some of you care about both. I don't care about the flowers at all. It's ok that you do. But the question is: are you putting a great deal more energy into the thing that matters or into the metaphor for the thing that matters?
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