1/n Topics of Round tables at #eISICEM2020 look exciting - but where are the WOMEN? 5 #Manels without even ONE woman? Not my field, but still could refer organizers to many women experts in these topics. What do others say? @ISICEM? The honorable speakers? https://twitter.com/isicem/status/1296739578347425793
2/n Our @PCCSMChiefs “Addressing Gender Inequality in Our Disciplines” 2018 report recommended equal representation of women among speakers. The #manels in @ISICEM are exactly opposite. Should anybody attend #eISICEM2020 if this isn’t changed? #Nomanels https://www.atsjournals.org/doi/full/10.1513/AnnalsATS.201804-252AR
3/n In an inspiring tweet, a #heforshe role model shared exercising #Nomanel pledge & declining an invite to a conference. Another #heforshe did the same. Now we know it’s #eISICEM2020. Imagine if @ISICEM organizers got a similar note from EVERY MAN they invited or registered https://twitter.com/iwashyna/status/1290645530977153027
4/n As I check this morning men & women are responding, but this cannot be left only to #MedTwitter. A letter to #Manels participants, to @SCCM @atscommunity @accpchest @EuroRespSoc & to industry sponsors should follow - @ISICEM can & should change! #SundayMotivation #EndManels https://twitter.com/adrienneoz/status/1297022469618851841
5/n & final. Reason I’m writing this on a #SundayMorning is simple. Eliminating #GenderDisparities in our disciplines is attainable. But we (Men) need to be proactive, because choices we feel are natural - often reflect privilege, affect exclusion, deny equity #ThisCanChange
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