it is so frightening that people with an initially good-natured concern for abuse victims are being sucked into believing hyperbolic far-right conspiracists due to the fact that truth is being obscured with blatant fiction and fringe theories can be made palatable w soft hashtags
like a lot of people genuinely think they're doing a good progressive thing by retweeting stuff under the save the children hashtag despite the qanon affiliations and it just shows how critical thinking on the veracity of sources dissipates when it's around a loaded topic
it feels like the evidently imaginary shit like adrenochrome and cannibalism is some kind of intentional disinformation tactic to distract people from the truths of these kinds of evils and render it akin to fantasy.
always reminded of the weil quote "imaginary evil is romantic and varied; real evil is gloomy, monotonous, barren, boring" when it comes to how easily ppl just accept Q shit simply because they think it's more shocking and lurid, and also bc it doesn't actually threaten power
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