2. Look, the black church overwhelmingly votes Democrat, and is by & large a theologically conservative tradition that has been both pro-life & for traditional marriage. The difference b/t the black & white conservative church is black church hasn’t baptized a political party.
3. Hearing white evangelical Christians talk about the plight of evangelicals in America when it comes to voting is projecting its own angst. Evangelicals in the global sense of the term don’t have your political angst, white evangelical. You have it cuz you’ve baptized the GOP.
4. Y’all have no clue what to do in this moment b/c Republicanism has been your comfort & refuge. You’ve found comfort & hope in a political party for so long that you don’t know what to do now that your party’s true soul has revealed itself. Political Power has been your idol.
5. If you put on humility you might be able to learn something from other faith traditions rather than dismissing them & continuing to act like you all are the arbiters of faith & truth. You’re not. In humility, You might stop dismissing the black church & seek to learn from it.
.... Good morning! Happy Lord’s Day!

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