so if aichi never meets kai in IF; how does he know about vanguard? also if shuka's story is all bared already, then my bet is all on takuto.
so why do i think it's takuto? basically this: to aichi, kai is his most important person. all hands down on this. what if he knew that what will happen next to kai if he were to know him through takuto
like aichi is never gonna let kai got harmed.. remember that legion mate? he knew that to make kai actually safe is to distanced himself from him. maybe in a way, shuka is also "controlled" to take blaster blade from little!kai
this is also in line with the way aichi is LOVED by the cards.. after coming to the realization, he knew what he must do (even if this world's kai will never know about him)...
kourin becoming aichi's "guardian" is somewhat a role that she shares with kai. if kai is not present, she will be and vice versa. though i have read theory where psyqualia gangs each have ultra-rare members as their guardians..
so end of thread will be what i wanted to be discussed next week: kai's importance, aichi's motive, and some backstory will be good
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