a funny thing is that my best music was when i had nothing i looked up to, there was nothing i was trying to emulate and i could just go hog wild with the abilities i had in anvil studio

my worst time as a growing producer was when i wanted to be giga-p in anvil studio
i realized this just now bc i was wondering why all my best compositions were in 2013?? it all has a touhou vibe and i was so productive?? but then at some point around 2017 everything i made became messy and full and weirdly timed... bc i was trying to do something i couldnt
now that i have FL studio and am extremely comfortable making EDM in it, i'm picking giga back up as an inspiration... for a while though i had to settle back into JRPG OST style tracks to make anything good again, and still do sometimes

JRPG OSTs r good. learn from my mistakes
using this thread as a chance to plug pandemonium folksong again. legit this was just 2-3 years after picking up anvil studio and starting to write music as a child im really proud thank yo https://soundcloud.com/fedorakero/pandemonium-folksong
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