Siapa yang buat business and ada team?

Aku nak ajar cara mcm mana aku handle a successful team yang achieve:-

1. RM100k sales goals a month
2. Manage to make customer repeat business
3. Solve complicated issues
4. Productive & always ahead of timeline

Ini adalah THREAD.
Teknik ni aku dah guna untuk team lama dan team baru aku.

Concept yang sama tapi aku duplicate. Nak handle team ni bukan senang. You're dealing with human and they have emotions. Kalau kau handle machine, senang je. Tekan je dia buat kerja.

Takpe korang park dulu.
Dalam membina team ni korang kena tahu beberapa faktor.

1. Everyone has different talents.
2. Everyone works in different ways.
3. Everyone needs different tools for the job.
4. Be proud (and supportive) of your team’s differences.

Aku selalu gelarkan team aku "The Avengers".
Dalam Avengers, dorang ada role masing2. Tak semua orang buat byk benda satu masa.

Sometimes, you have to admit you can't do everything alone. It is okay to segregate task.

Yes, aku pn pernah jadi lone ranger. Mmg exhausting & quality kerja drop. So, i decided to create a team.
Dalam team aku selalu segregate kan macam ni. Macam the 1st Avenger.

1. Captain America - The Mastermind
2. Iron Man - The Upgrader
3. Thor - The Executor
4. Hulk - The Smart-One
5. Black Widow - The Lone Ranger
6. Hawkeye - The Striker

Apakah fungsi role-role ni?
1. Captain America - The Mastermind

Gelaran yang popular iaitu Cap. Usually, this role ni mmg jadi role model and motivation. Also mmg committed to the team. Decision made is based on team's interest.

Kalau team moral down, role mcm ni la yang align kan balik the focus.
Role ni mmg selalunya tak execute kerja. Tapi plan, segregate & execute. People will listen to his command & idea. Sbb people mcm ni ada end goal.

Tak kira apa yang berlaku, mmg dorang akan achieve. If betul team dalam keadaan teruk, dorang akan start execute the work as well.
2. Iron Man - The Upgrader

Role ni penting dalam business sebab role ni tahu apa nak kena execute selepas di plan. This role makes everything so simple that team member lain boleh faham in short period of time.

Always be prepared for the worst case scenario.
Contoh situasi, Cap nak sales RM100k sebulan.

Role ni la yang akan make sure tercapai. Guna la FB ads, IG ads, Google ads etc. Pastu if semua dah guna, dia guna cara lain pulak.

Dia ni akan make sure end goal Cap tercapai.
3. Thor - The Executor

Role ni mmg jenis yang sentiasa nak buat kerja. Dia akan tunjuk capabilities dia by boasting himself yang dia boleh buat. Always make mistakes tp sentiasa ada cara nak recover.

Sentiasa utamakan the end goal. Tak kisah apa cara sekali pun. Hati kering.
Yes, he's a charmer and go-getter.

Any arahan yang diterima, selalunya dia boleh buat. Mmg multi-task and always want to be the best. Selalunya kalau ada team member mcm ni, biar dia buat kerja dia.

Cara dia mungkin pelik tapi will bring the success.
4. Hulk - The Smart-One

Role ni selalunya akan show the most scientific data, analysis and apa2 je jargon korang tak faham. Dia sorang je faham and akan sentiasa dapat the best solutions.

Selalunya role ni mmg passionate dgn apa dia faham. Biarkan dia work on their fantasy.
Role ni selalu ada emosi dalam buat kerja. Kalau dia fail, dia akan rasa down gila. Tp kalau dia berjaya, dia akan bgi impak gila.

Suggestions kerja dgn orang ni, jangan kacau kerja dia. Dia tahu apa dia buat. Jgn bagi dia marah je. Emo dia akan kacau performance.
5. Black Widow - The Lone Ranger

Jenis ni mmg kerja laju tp suka kerja sorang. Tak suka sgt ada orang tolong sbb dia akan rasa melambatkan proses. Mmg skill dia mostly individu.

"Nothing personal, only business" type.

Tapi if team dalam masalah, dia akan sentiasa sedia.
Bekerja dgn role ni mmg payah sbb dorang suka kerja sorang. Tapi, if u bg apakah end goal, dorang jenis yang plan and execute. Mcm Thor pulak, dia redah je.

Tapi role ni, dia ada plan and sentiasa one step ahead.
6. Hawkeye - The Striker

Okay role ni sgt la penting. Nampak je beshe2 tp role ni la make sure apa yang semua role di atas nak buat bersedia.

Mark the spot, identify issues, make sure semua orang ahead of the game.

Sbb The Striker ni mmg focus-oriented.
While other role plan ahead and ada yang main redah je, role Hawkeye ni mmg sentiasa calm in any situation dan stay focus.

Aim dia satu je. Semua matlamat team tercapai. Tapi, jgn distract dia masa dia tgh kerja. Akan jadi disaster.
Kalau perasan, role Cap ni akan bgtau plan and make sure everyone are on it.

Tapi perasan tak ayat yang aku mentioned.

"Biar dorang buat kerja".

Why ayat ni penting? To build a team requires trust. So, kalau tak percaya team, team pun tak boleh nak contribute banyak.
Don't micromanage and always open for ideas.

Idea and creativity are made when they work on their own. Selalunya orang tak perform bila:

1. Takde goal
2. Micromanage
3. Sentiasa dikritik
4. Tak dapat "Good job" from the leader

Ini semua main faktor yang penting.
Aku always pegang dgn ayat "I trust my team". Sbb dorang yang make it happen.

Always thank them individually and as a team. Jgn take them for granted.

When they perform, praise them. As a leader, jgn claim the success. Let them do it for you.

Sekian thread yang panjang ni.
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