I came across an article & i was really disturbed. Would like to share some snippets of it.
We all have read the atrocities done by British rule in Indians, but have we really told to what extent?
There has been a great degree of white washing, to make ke subtle
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This article basically talks about the life of women in India.
Do the leftist know it? & still praise British rule?
Farmers under British had to pay 90% tax. When they weren't able to, they were flogged with leather belts having spokes. Until they fell. Most of them died
Then their women were made to walk nude in village. Their nipples were pressed with hot tongs, until they screamed in pain & fainted.
Then they were gang raped by British officers. Not even a single day passed when Brit officer didn't rape a girl.
After which they were kept
As prostitutes. Over 350 cities in India had brothels for Brits to entertain themselves.
Now, we all have been told that Indian posting was a punishment to them.
On the contrary, Brits loved the posting here bcoz they enjoyed complete impunity.
Rajiv Dixit, a Sanghi Journo
Who died mysteriously in 2010, had accessed pages of personal diaries of Some British officers, like sone Col. Neil.
Dixit had all the signs of poisoning but no enquiry was conducted ever, despite the demand.
He was a historian too.
But he raised questions like why
The Salt movement Gained so much popularity & not the plight of women?
Why Gandhi never spoke on it or for it?
Infact British parliament made an act where that made victim prove that she has been guilty. British officer faced bo trial until proven. Proof wasnt where there
As there were no tests to do so.

Another important observation, Indian constitution is supposedly the longest. But curiously it took only 166 hours to compile it.
Mostly adapted from Constitution of Ireland, India and such colonies of Britishers.

We can still see so much
Of British influence on dresses worn by officials in India.

Now my questions are
1) was pics of Shri Ram & Krishna added in the constitution just to woo Indians?
2)was the reservation part added, again at the will of Ambedkar, just to make the mass happy so that no one ques
3)was the educated part of society in India intentionally demonize for patriarchy coz they were asking tough things?
4) was the leftist Historian only hired to write a made up History?
5) why weren't the true atrocities of British rule ever taught?
Why were they only
Thanked under the breath for giving railways?
6) why have I never read Mahatama Gandhi talking about brutality to women?
We still continue to be influenced and let @BloomsburyIndia Kind of publication decide what we need to read as society.
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