Bila sebut paraben, ramai orang takut. A few years back, pernah viral isu paraben bahaya & boleh sebabkan kanser. Ramai yang percaya without doing further research about this assumption. What is paraben actually? Betul ke paraben bahaya?

Paraben adalah satu jenis bahan pengawet yang very common dalam makeup & skincare products. In fact, it is one of the most effective preservatives.
Bila nama pun pengawet, of course fungsi dia untuk panjangkan shelf life sesuatu produk so that ia tahan lama. Kalau tak ada bahan pengawet, confirm sekejap je produk tu dah tak elok.
Kenapa parabens sering digunakan compared to other preservatives? This because it is way cheaper & very effective walaupun digunakan dalam amount yang sedikit.
Moving on to the most popular assumption which is paraben boleh sebabkan kanser. Betul ke paraben boleh sebabkan kanser kepada pengguna?

The answer is NO.
Setakat ini, memang tak ada bukti saintifik yang menunjukkan paraben boleh sebabkan kanser.
Paraben that is used in makeup & skincare products ada tetapan had dia sendiri. It is monitored by Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
However, ada 5 types of paraben that is banned by EU Commission which are:

- Benzylparaben
- Isopropylparaben
- Isobutylparaben
- Pentylparaben
- Phenylparaben
Tapi kesemua jenis paraben ni bukan kena banned sebab bahaya. They are banned sebab tak ada kajian yang mencukupi.
Even paraben tak bahaya, ada orang yang tak boleh guna products that contain paraben sebab allergy. If you are one of them, you can opt for paraben-free products.
I guess that’s all for now. If you have anything to ask, you can reply to this thread or WhatsApp me at .
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