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The only way not to lose a rigged game is not to play.

Far too many #Covid19 sceptics are bogged down playing the game. Obsessed with mask effectiveness, false positives from PCR tests, cancer appointments etc.

They'll never win. Detailed rat holes like these ...

.. are just noise - not really 'important'. The #LockdownLoonies will always counter with some banal drivel to 'prove you wrong'.

ALL THAT MATTERS is hospitalisations & deaths.

In England today, your chances of having #Covid19 & being hospitalised (correlation is not ...

... causality) are about 1 in a million. Your chances of dying 'from' or 'with' #Covid19 (in hospital or otherwise) are about 1 in 5.7m.

Same again tomorrow (rates of both hospitalisations & deaths have been falling but let's assume they've levelled off).

The #CovidShambles is now a *political* battle; no longer anything to do with science.

Keep the argument simple - it's 'over', let's get fully back to (old) normal.

Don't play the rigged game.

@FatEmperor @ClarkeMicah @carlheneghan @RealDeniseWelch @TVKev @allisonpearson
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