When I was a grad student at UC Berkeley, a very famous political science professor of mine told me that I seemed “fundamentally uninterested in American political science” and made me feel like I should drop out the whole time I was in his AP pro sem. This is a subtweet.
To be clear, my lack of interest was diagnosed by the fact that I wanted to write my MA thesis on the labor movement’s 2000 pivot about immigration policy.
A thesis that got written despite his lack of enthusiasm or support, and was published in a book edited by Irene Bloemraad and @karthickr
But, I internalized that shit for WAY too long. It’s only recently that I even feel comfortable telling people that someone thought I wasn’t cut out for this. For way too long, I believed it. That’s the legacy of professors treating grad students like crap.
It happens to women and people of color more often, it happens ALL THE TIME, and it’s incredibly harmful.
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