So Joe Biden exceeded all expectations in his speech in the Democratic National Convention. He constantly faces ridicule by Trump and his supporters. Despite the fact that Trump struggles as a speaker himself.

But now it’s Trump’s turn. Which begs some questions in itself.
Trump may call Biden “Sleepy Joe.” But Trump, when he’s reading prepared remarks, looks pretty sleepy himself.

And he also has had a number of embarrassing episodes lately in basic reading/pronunciation. Like this one in which he tried to say “Yosemite.”
He read the word “fatalities” and, inexplicably, said the non-word “fatilities.”
He saw the word “THAILAND” and pronounced it as it reads phonetically (but now how it’s said in English) “THIGHLAND.”
And then there are times, for whatever reason, that his speech appears to be slightly slurred.
So, after all the mocking of Biden’s issues as a speaker, Trump needs to be careful to not make a mistake himself. Especially after Biden surpassed expectations.
Most of Trump’s struggles in speaking seem to occur when he is reading prepared remarks.

But it’s a catch-22. When he’s not reading prepared remarks, Trump has fewer verbal stumbles. But he says much crazier things.
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