[Drug mention]

Some of my oomfs are pot smokers n I remember being young so heres a
"you think your weed was spiked" thread
from some1 who's been smoking for >6 years, dated a plug, sold for a while, n still smokes.
Theres only two reasons youd get a spiked bag, either ur dealer needed to make ur bag weigh more or they bought it like that because *their* dealer needed it to weigh more.

The issue here is that ALL drugs cost more than weed, so adding to weed to get more money doesn't work.
Dealers know this. If a dealer actually wanted to sell u a heavier bag they'd sell u damp (with water) weed.

Another reason dealers WONT "spike" bags is bc it loses them business. Most my contacts did business in college/uni. They know selling bad stuff means u won't come back.
So the only reason they'd sell u bad stuff is if they "accidently" bought it n need to sell it, in which case they'd do better to throw it n reload (re stock) w real weed- for the same reason restaurants won't sell u bad food.
"But this weed is making me feel weird"

This either means u are reacting to it that way(it may be a different strain) or that u bought hemp* which u arent used to.

"Bad" weed is just weed grown w chemical fertiliser + insect repellant. Even if u got that, u wouldn't notice.
"K2/spice/Russian roulette strain?!"

These aren't weed. In all my time smoking I've only found K2 *once* years ago. It isnt sold for the same reasons as spiked weed: it loses them business. They wont have any repeat customers with fake weed.
This one is popular and actually the only way u might buy "fake" weed. CBD buds look n smell like THD weed buds. They cost slightly less n are legal to buy online. A dealer *might* sell u this, which wont get u high, but again they lose buisness long term.

End of thread!
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